Object to the 2 planning applications that have been submitted. Get in touch and offer your support manning stalls, distributing leaflets. Write to your MP, Natalie Elphick.
Quinn Estates are property developers and owners of Betteshanger Country Park. They want to build a luxury Hotel and a Surf Lagoon on the Park.
Quinn Estates are property developers and owners of Betteshanger Country Park. They want to build a luxury Hotel and a Surf Lagoon on the Park.
When the Park was first set up Dover District Council and the owners were meant to designate it as a Local Nature Reserve under the terms of a S106 agreement. The Council is unable to explain why this did not happen. If the Park was now a Local Nature Reserve it would be protected from the kind of development now proposed.
Traffic problems: There maybe 500,000 – 700,000 people per annum visiting the Park, according to the owners. The A258 is already at capacity at certain points and the extra traffic from visitors, who would nearly all come by car, would lead to extra congestion and headaches for local people.
Water Use: We are in one of the most severely water stressed areas in the whole country. A Surf Lagoon would take millions of litres of water in a district where farmers do not always have enough water for their crops.
Climate change: At a time of climate crisis can we really afford a facility with such a high carbon footprint, that will encourage people to travel by car from all over the South East and beyond?
- There are two separate applications, one for the Hotel (planning reference number 22/01152) and one for the Surf Lagoon (planning reference number 22/01158) Here’s what you do:
- Google Dover planning
- Click View Applications
- Click black box- View applications
- Type in planning number in box
- Click search
- Click on Make a comment
Or you can send an email to developmentmanagement@dover.gov.uk
Thank you. Please object ASAP.
A brief history of Betteshanger Park can be found here